Cleaning for a Cause!

A woman holding a box with clothes in it.

Spring Cleaning     Transform Old Shipping Boxes into Charitable Donations It has never been so easy to make a donation! How many empty shipping boxes pass through your house and go straight to the recycle bin? Now you can reuse them by filling them up with donations!…(read more)

How Cattle Changed Retail

A person holding a square shaped sticker in their hand.

RFID Technology     Tracking, Tracking, Tracking Tracking is the most common application for RFID technology – in various forms you can track nearly anything with RFID. What else can RFID do for you?…(read more)

A Journey to Plastics

A person holding onto plastic bags and water bottle

Plastics – How do they get here?       Journey of Everyday Products What is the first ingredient needed to make plastics? How are plastics priced? So much goes into the manufacturing of plastics: see how they get their start…(read more)

Happy New Year from Kalani Packaging!

A blurry background with the words happy new year 2 0 1 7

Leaping Into 2017       New Year, New Opportunities Kalani Packaging is preparing for the New Year, but before we jump ahead, we wanted to take a moment to say thanks to all our wonderful customers….(read more)

2016 MiLB Baseball Meetings

A bag of food with the logo for mounties beer store.

Let’s Play Ball! Kalani attended the 51st annual Baseball Meetings this week in National Harbor, Maryland. The meetings are the premier venue for businesses and organizations to market their goods and services to the baseball community. We came prepared to make new friends by sending two of our Ohana members to host our booth representing our […]