Island Culture
Kalani’s culture is based on the Hawaiian core values of integrity
and respect. In this section we invite you to learn more
about the island life and Aloha spirit.
Lono Dickson
Co-founder of Kalani
Born & raised on Maui, HI
History of the Loco Moco
The Loco Moco is considered one of the most popular dishes in Hawaii and is even served in several Hawaiian restaurants on the mainland. This dish has many variations, but the original Loco Moco was reportedly created at a restaurant in the town of Hilo, on the island of Hawaii in 1949. The dish came in response to requests from a group of teenagers seeking a dish that was an inexpensive alternative to a sandwich, but was still quick and easy to serve. The response was a bowl of rice and a hamburger patty, topped with brown gravy. The teenagers named the dish Loco Moco after one of their sports club members named Loco, and added the Moco simply because it rhymed. The fried egg was later added and now completes the local favorite.
Want to try it for yourself but can’t afford a tip to Hawaii? It’s as easy to make as you’d think!
On a plate, pile up white rice, a cooked hamburger patty, and top with brown gravy and a fried egg. Try mixing in sautéed mushrooms and/or onions for a tasty twist on the classic!
Hawaiian Word of the Week:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Maika’i
            Translation: excellent, goodness           Pronunciation:  my-ee-kah’ee