Island Culture

Kalani’s culture is based on the Hawaiian core values of integrity and respect. In this section we invite you to learn more about the island life and Aloha spirit.

A blue banner with the letter b in it.

Lono Dickson
Co-founder of Kalani
Born & raised on Maui, HI


A blue banner with the letter b in it.

The legends of the Menehune began back when Polynesians first arrived in Hawaii. The Polynesians believed the Menehune to be a skilled people. Many dams, roads, and temples, had been built prior to their arrival. Many of these are still around today.

Theories of the name “Menehune” go back to 1100 AD when Tahitians invaded the islands. They referred to the inhabitants as “Manahune” (lowly people). A census report from 1820 recorded 65 people as “Menehune” and so the spelling and name continued.

The mythical Menehune are described as small in stature. They are credited for many unexplainable sights. Alekoko Fishpond is one example, also referred to as the Menehune Fishpond. It was said that the Menehune built it in one night. They carried stones from 25 miles away by lining up one by one across the land to build a dam in the river. This dam allowed fish to remain in the pond until they grew large enough to be consumed.

A blue banner with the letter b in it.Menehune Fishpond: Alekoko, Kauai